AHO About/Goals
What have we done to tackle America's hunger issue?
- The National School Lunch Program (NSLP), fed about 30 million children each school day in 2014 and cost $12.7 billion. The federal government spent another $3.7 billion in 2014 to feed about 14 million children through the School Breakfast Program (SBP).
- Taxpayers spent $16 billion feeding kids breakfast and lunch last year.
- The presidents budget for 2018: $13.1 billion for the National School Lunch Program (an increase of $659 million)
- $4.8 billion for the National School Breakfast Program (an increase of $287 million)
- America squanders just $1.2 billion via school lunch annually, a tiny slice of the estimated US$218 billion in food wasted in America each year
How can we be more effective?
Make students and schools more aware! They are two large members in the fight against food waste, but are highly ignored. If the awareness does not spread to the student then the fight could be possibly cut short or nothing worth while.